‘Into Prosperity’ is a newsletter for the Underearners Anonymous (“UA”) UK Fellowship. It is published quarterly by UA-UK Intergroup committee of trusted servants. It is a forum for members from the fellowship to share experience, strength and hope as well as for news and reports from UA-UK groups and Intergroup. Articles are not intended to be UA policy and do not constitute endorsement by UA or UA-UK as a whole, or UA-UK Intergroup.

Newsletter Editions
You can find past editions of the newsletter below. Feel free to print copies for your meetings and use as literature or as you deem appropriate. We hope you will find the contribution helpful and enriching your recovery journey:

– Edition 1 (Winter 2024): Download PDF (720kb)
Theme: “Prosperity” as well as Step 1 (spiritual principle: Honesty), Tradition 1 (spiritual principle: Unity), Tool 1 (Timekeeping).

– Edition 2 (Spring 2024): Download PDF (1mb)
Theme: “Working the programme” as well as Step 2 (spiritual principle: Hope), Tradition 2 (spiritual principle: Trust), Tool 2 (Meetings).

– Edition 3 (Summer 2024): Download PDF (853kb)
Theme: “Starting in UA” as well as Step 3 (spiritual principle: Faith), Tradition 3 (spiritual principle: Identity), Tool 3 (Sponsorship).

If you have enjoyed the contributions in the newsletter perhaps you would also like to contribute?
We invite contributions to the newsletter from anyone who wishes to share their experience, strength and hope on the topics of the edition. 

Members are asked to write their shares with a word count in mind. The average required word count is 600 words (400 minimum, 800 maximum), unless otherwise stated. You may choose to show your draft to your sponsor or a fellow in recovery who is familiar with the Traditions before sending your contribution in.

We request when writing your contribution to please read the following two documents…
Writing Guidelines: Download PDF (58kb)
Terms & Conditions: Download PDF (62kb)
A submission is understood to mean the author is in agreement with the above Terms & Conditions.

Currently seeking contributions for Edition 4 (Summer 2024) on:
 Step 4 and its spiritual principle Courage
 Tradition 4 and its spiritual principle Autonomy
 Tool 4: Possession Consciousness
 Topic: Hitting rock bottom in UA

Please send your contributions by email to
It takes approximately one hour to write a 600-word contribution.

Closing Date for Edition 4 contributions: 31 July 2024 (but feel free to send a contribution at any time and we will consider it for inclusion in a subsequent edition)

Contributions to future editions
If you missed the deadline for contributions to the current edition perhaps you would consider contributing to a future one? This is the planned schedule of editions.