UA-UK IG Officers

Roles Filled:

  • Chair
  • Treasurer
  • Executive Secretary
  • Events Co-ordinator
  • Public Information Officer
  • Newsletter Officer
  • Website Manager

Vacant Roles:
Open the link to show each roles responsibilities.

General responsibilities of all UA-UK IG Officers

  • Shall email the Executive Secretary with an officer report ahead of each UA-UK IG meeting, describing actions taken since the last meeting.
  • Shall save copies of all documents needed to perform their officer role in the UA-UK IG Google Drive and maintain archives as necessary.
  • Shall perform all other necessary duties pertaining to their role as requested in UA-UK IG meetings.
  • Shall familiarise themselves with the Simplified Robert’s Rules of Order (Appendix 4).
  • Shall read and respond to IG emails between UA-UK IG meetings.
  • Shall handover to the next officer and be available for the period of one month after the term of office.

Are you interested in becoming an IG Officer?
> All current IG Officers are available to share their experience of service at IG.