UA-UK IG Information



  • UA-UK Intergroup (UA-UK IG) is an elected service committee made up of UA members.
  • Its vision is to see UA flourish in the UK and it achieves this through a range of service activities:
    • Supporting new meetings.
    • Organising workshops and the annual UA-UK Convention.
    • Providing literature.
    • Operating Public Information services including the UA-UK website.
    • Provides Public Liability Insurance for the UA-UK fellowship.


  • UA-UK IG meets every two months on the second Saturday of that month, 11:15-12:45 on Zoom.
  • Meetings are chaired by the elected UA-UK IG Chair.
  • They are attended by all the UA-UK IG Officers and elected Group Service Representatives (GSRs) from UA-UK meetings.
  • Meetings are structured by agenda, operate an agreed voting system, and are minuted.
  • The UA-UK IG Officers provide a meeting report.
  • Decisions are passed by majority vote following discussion and proposals from members.
  • Elected UA-UK IG Officers and elected GSRs are eligible to vote.
  • Visitors are welcome to join the group discussion and to make proposals, however as non-elected members they do not have voting rights.

Procedures & Guidelines

  • The document that guides how UA-UK Intergroup runs. Read Version 1

Steps & Traditions

  • UA is based on the belief that the foundation of change and recovery from compulsive underearning is to be found in working the Twelve Steps and abiding by the Twelve Traditions first developed by Alcoholics Anonymous.


  • Contributions are received from UA-UK meetings, UA members and event donations.
  • UA-UK IG manages its finances transparently based upon an agreed spending plan with some funds ring-fenced for specific service activities, such as insurance, website, convention and new meetings.

Getting involved

  • We welcome all members of the UA-UK fellowship to join our IG meetings and to contribute to the growth of UA.
  • How to get involved;
    • Become a Group Service Representative (GSR) for a UA-UK meeting.
    • Stand for election for a UA-UK IG Officer position.